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Author Guidelines


The Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry will publish articles on original research, clinical observations and experiences, reviews, news, comments and letters to the editor. Articles are accepted with the stipulation that they are written in English, are original and have not been submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles will be reviewed by the Editor and Consultants and are subject to editorial revision. All published articles will become the property of the JRAD. The Editor and Journal Committee reserve the right to reject any article without giving any explanations thereof. The Journal accepts no responsibility for the opinions expressed by the contributors. The Editor/Journal does not guarantee or endorse any products, services advertised in the JRAD.



Articles should be typed in double spacing with a sufficient margin in TIMES NEW ROMAN.
Include a title with the title of the article, full name of the author(s), academic degrees, positions and institutional affiliations. The corresponding author’s address and telephone number should be given.

Manuscript Format

  1. Abstract: An abstract of the article not exceeding 200 words should be included with abbreviated title for page head use.
  2. Introduction: The purpose of this is to answer briefly the question why did you do the study/ clinical procedure/ research. Do not include extensive review of literature which is normally found in ‘Thesis’.
  3. Materials & Methods: In this section answer only the question what did you do. Give details if the work is original, otherwise, quote only references.
  4. Results and Finding: Give your results only. Use Tables, Charts, and Photographs etc. to clarify.
  5. Discussion: Discuss and point out significance of findings and limitations, its clinical implications and comparison with other similar findings.
  6. References: References should be selective and keyed in numerical order to the text - in Vancouver style. Type them double spaced on a separate sheet of paper. Journal references must include author’s names, article title, abbreviated (as per standards) journal name, year volume number and page number. Book reference must include author’s or editor’s names, chapter title, book title, edition number, publisher, year and page number.
  7. Illustrations: All figures (Fig.) must be mentioned sequentially in the text. The illustrations must be of good quality. Good black and white photographs are preferred for black and white reproduction. Coloured photographs should be of high quality. Clear Photographs of x-rays should be sent. Original drawings and graphs should be of professional quality.
  8. Tables: Tables should be self-explanatory, numbered in Roman numbers, according to the order in the text and typed on a separate sheet of paper like legends for illustrations.
  9. Photographs: Width preferably 8 cm or 16.5 cm for smaller and wider diagrams respectively.
  10. Letters to the Editor: Are encouraged in order to stimulate a healthy dialogue relating to the specialty.
  11. Each article should be accompanied by a letter stating that it is their original work and not sent for publication anywhere else.

For further information mail at:

- The Editor, Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry